Revenge of Trollpasta wiki guy

One day, Mutahar, TrueFireMac, OddStodd, Imaru and some other people I don't feel like mentioning because deal with it, Had a 7 day live stream! On the second day, Imaru was reading Trollpastas because Mutahar was taking a shit or something. Because Imaru was reading all the trollpastas, everyone wanted to write a trollpasta. So everyone wrote a trollpasta or 2 but that made the guy who made the troll pasta wiki angry. Trollpasta wiki guy was watching porn when his computer was CRASHED because of all the trollpastas. He wanted to hunt down everyone responsible for this.


Trollpasta wiki guy found Mutahars location and swam across the great lakes to kill him. He killed him and found Trues location. He killed him. He found OddStodds location. He killed him. When it came to Imarus turn to get killed, Imaru killed him instead because thats how I wrote the story. 

Epilouge (lol fuck spelling)

Imaru found all of their dead bodys and brought them back to life. THE END